Why You Should Consider Installing Custom Cabinets and Countertops in Your Dream Home

You have two options when it’s time to install kitchen cabinets and countertops in your newly built dream home: ready-made or custom-made. The former can be ordered online and is available in all home depots or furniture stores. The sizes, designs, and overall features of this type of cabinets are primarily generic and ordinary.  

Custom-built cabinets, on the other hand, are specially-made by a team of professional cabinetmakers according to your specifications, such as the cabinets created by Empire Custom Cabinets and Countertops. Unlike ready-made cabinets, the sizes, designs, finish, and features of custom cabinets all depend on your preference. Custom cabinets are more unique than those found in furniture shops.

If you can’t decide what type of cabinets and countertops to install in your kitchen, here are the reasons why choosing the custom route may be most advantageous for you:


While manufacturers of ready-made cabinets and countertops boast of providing instant solutions to all your kitchen needs, they rarely fit your available space. They may look aesthetically pleasing when staged in the store, but you will be disappointed to find gaps and excess space when you try to install them in your kitchen. This issue is more evident if you have a unique kitchen layout.

When you have custom-made cabinets and countertops, you can be assured of a perfect fit not only in terms of space and dimension but even on interior design. You do not have to worry about mismatched kitchen furniture since you can order cabinets that complement and enhance the overall design of the room.

Keep in mind that an experienced cabinetmaker can readily transform your vision into reality. When you go the custom route, you do not have to settle with what is available, but you will precisely get what furnishing you’re hoping for in your kitchen.


The majority of ready-made cabinets need to be assembled, which means you need to spend on labor costs to have them installed in your home. Since these cabinets do not fit the dimensions of your kitchen perfectly, installation may take a lot of time, and the people you hire may even ask for additional fees.

With custom cabinets, however, the installation cost is usually built into the price of the furniture. Moreover, you can be assured that the cabinetmaker will effectively handle whatever issues that may arise during the installation process at no additional cost.


You can never be sure of the quality of material and craftsmanship when you choose store-bought cabinetry. Some manufacturers make their cabinets attractive so that consumers will not notice that the types of wood used are inferior in quality. Essentially, buying ready-made cabinets is a hit-or-miss when it comes to quality.

When you order custom cabinets and countertops, you can ensure the quality of your cabinets. From the type of wood and materials to the design and overall finish, an experienced cabinetmaker like one from Empire Custom Cabinets and Countertops can create exceptional quality pieces that can last you a long time.

Given the benefits mentioned above, it’s apparent that between ready-made and custom-made cabinets and countertops, installing the latter is the best choice, particularly if you want the best for your dream home. Choose a reputable company that offers custom furniture to work for you so that you can be sure of high-quality craftsmanship and exquisite finish.

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