Creating a Designer Nursery for Your Little One

On the day you bring your little bundle of joy home, you want to make sure everything’s perfect for them. It’s all in the details, from the plush animals you choose to the color you decide to paint their nursery. But after pinning countless design inspirations, you’re feeling a little lost on how you can create the perfect designer nursery for your little prince or princess. We’re giving you some design tips on how you can make sure that everything’s just right the moment you bring your new baby home.


Pick a theme and stick to it

It’s easy to get wrapped up in all of the Pinterest and Instagram inspiration out there—so you may be tempted to shop without thinking about your theme. But trust us when we say, don’t do it! Before you pick up those reusable bags and get ready to use your credit card with reckless abandon—stop—and think.

Use these inspiration platforms to guide your design direction, but once you come up with a plan—stick to it! Both your final product and your wallet will thank you!

Guide your shower guests toward simple gifts

If you have a registry for your baby shower, try your best to pick out practical gifts rather than themed ones. This way, you’ll still get great gifts but you’ll be able to stay true to your nursery theme! Things like diapers, a travel bassinet, towels, a diaper bag, and baby wipes are things you’ll definitely need, but they’ll fit in with any theme you choose.

It’s all in the details

Decorating your little one’s nursery is fun! From picking out art and toys to painting the walls, you really get to see this space grow — just like your baby will. The difference between a well-decorated nursery and a designer nursery though, is all in the details.

Decorate the ceiling with a hand-painted mural or an adorable mobile to make baby smile as he or she looks up from the crib in their new home. Frame loving notes from mom and dad that your little love will appreciate when they start to read. Purchase art from local talents to inspire your baby to create as they learn and grow.

Baby Nursery Design

Use natural lighting

If you’re lucky enough to have a bedroom space with plenty of natural light, use it to your advantage! Natural lighting will help your baby adapt to regular sleep cycles which in turn, helps you get back to sleep (what’s better than that?!) Use sheer curtains to let the light flow in—but if there’s a lot of light pollution in your area (like streetlights), make sure to layer them with a regular curtain so the light at night isn’t disrupting baby’s sleep.

Repurpose furniture

Not a fan of the regular changing tables on the market? DIY your own using an old dresser! Just get an old dresser, build up some barriers so baby doesn’t slip, add a changing pad—and there you have it. A functional and chic dresser that will be the talk of the babysitting co-op!

Think about the environment

As cute as these little ones are, they sure do create a lot of mess! So when you’re shopping for items to decorate your nursery room, make sure to do your part for the environment, too. Try to buy organic, natural products for starters. And when baby’s grown out of their nursery furniture and theme, recycle the items by gifting them to a friend or donate them to your local thrift store.

Leave room to grow

As much as you might not want them to, your little one grows up fast! In just a matter of months after you bring them home from the hospital, you’ll hear them babble their first words and soon after they’ll be crawling to their next milestone. That said, when you’re shopping for your baby’s nursery, try to buy items that they’ll grow into. Think classic design styles, a size up, and colors that won’t go out of fashion.

In conclusion

Your baby will love their new home no matter what you fill it with, simply because you’re there! But if you want to make your little one feel extra special, use these tips to create the designer nursery dreams are made of.

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