A Guide To Removing Scratches From Porcelain Sinks

With their clean, glossy finish, porcelain sinks are a beautiful part of any bathroom. Yet if your sink has seen a bit of use, then while it may look great at a distance, up close, you may notice a few scratches. Porcelain is a durable material, but like anything, over time, it will experience some wear and tear. Fortunately, there are a few good ways to get rid of those scratches.

1. Polishing Cleansers

There are lots of polishing cleansers on the market — in cream and powder forms — that can help you remove the look of scratches. Bon Ami, Soft Scrub and Comet are all good examples. To remove scratches, follow instructions on the bottle to scrub the inside of the sink. The grit in these cleaners can help polish minor scratches. Even more importantly, if those scratches are holding dirt and grime, they’ll remove the grime to help minimize the look of the scratches.

2. Try Baking Soda

Baking soda works similarly to the cleansers listed above in that it offers some grit to help remove dirt from scratches and scuffs. It also has some polishing power to reduce the look of those scuffs. To use it, simply coat the scratches in a layer of baking soda and use a cloth or sponge to buff the affected area. You can also make a paste with baking soda and water to scrub the inside of the sink.

3. Use a Pumice Stone

Pumice is a soft volcanic rock that serves two functions when using it to remove scratches. Because it is abrasive, it will buff the scratches, but because it is soft, it will also crumble and fill the scratches with a fine layer of ground pumice.

To use a pumice stone on a porcelain sink, you’ll need to be careful because this can leave scratches. Start with the finest pumice stone you can find — the smaller the pores on the stone, the better. Make sure to soak the stone in water for 30 seconds before using it. When you’re ready to start, test on an inconspicuous area of the sink first, like the underside, to make sure you won’t accidentally damage the sink. Then, buff the scratches until you can no longer see them.

4. Sandpaper May Work

As with a pumice stone, sandpaper can wear down and smooth the edges of scratches. Just as with pumice stone, before starting, make sure to test the paper on the underside of the sink to help ensure you’ll be removing scratches instead of adding to them.

For sanding away scratches, use a fine 240-grit sandpaper. Anything coarser than that could make the problem worse. You may even want to go finer than this in later stages of the process. Step up to a 600-grit sandpaper to give the finish a smooth, soft sheen.

5. Porcelain Repair Kits

For deep, obvious scratches or for larger chips and nicks, abrasives won’t be enough to repair them. You’ll need a porcelain repair kit to fix this kind of damage. To use one, first find a repair kit that matches the shade of your sink. Then, follow the instructions to make the repairs. Usually, the first step is to buff the scratches with abrasives provided, and then the kit will have fillers and glazes to fill the crack and give it a shine to match the rest of the sink.

Removing scratches from a porcelain sink is an easy task to do yourself. Start with cleansers or baking soda for minor scratches. Though if the scratches prove more severe, try one of the other methods, too. When in doubt, always test a product on the sink’s underside to make sure you won’t inadvertently damage it. When you’ve finished, the sink should look good as new!

Author bio: Erica Garland is Content Marketing Manager at Modern Bathroom and has 15-plus years of experience in the bathroom renovation industry. Modern Bathroom sells a variety of products you would need for any bathroom renovation project. With such a large selection of vanities, faucets, sinks, toilets and showers, Modern Bathroom is sure to have the perfect piece to give your bathroom an updated look.

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